
The EEOB Graduate Program is Proud to Announce the PH.D. Dissertation Defense of Andrea M. Keller.

Title: Tritrophic Mutualisms in a Changing Climate

International project tracks climate change effects on freshwater dwellers

UCR ecologist Kurt Anderson and collaborators have received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to track the effects of environmental changes on creatures that live in freshwater streams.

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the Ph.D. Dissertation Defense of Matthew Green.

Title: The Influence of Spatial Structure and Trophic Interactions on Ecological Communities

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the Ph.D. Dissertation Defense of Monica McNamara.

Title: Exercise and the gut microbiome in mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the Ph.D. Dissertation Defense of Serj Danielian.

Title: Ecological Synchrony and Metapopulation Persistence

Congratulations Chris Clark! Four UCR faculty become elite Fulbright scholars

The Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program, has chosen four UC Riverside faculty members to receive Fulbright U.S. Scholar fellowships — Kelley Barsanti, Christopher Clark, Antoine Lentacker, and Fariba Zarinebaf.

Antibiotics wreak havoc on athletic performance

New research demonstrates that by killing essential gut bacteria, antibiotics ravage athletes’ motivation and endurance. The UC Riverside-led mouse study suggests the microbiome is a big factor separating athletes from couch potatoes.

The Joint Doctoral Program in Evolutionary Biology is proud to announce the PHD Dissertation Defense of Tierney Bougie.

Title: Introgression and the Evolution of the Habronattus americanus Subgroup (F. Salticidae), with Particular Consideration of Multiple Patterns of Discordance

Congratulations to our 2021-2022 "Outstanding TA" Awardees

Please join us in congratulating our new "Outstanding TA" awardees who have demonstrated excellence in teaching in BIOL courses:

Where to get N95 masks on campus

Environmental Health & Safety and the Well are both offering free masks

Meet 2021-22's new faculty members - Kate Ostevik

This year, UC Riverside hired 16 new faculty members from a variety of disciplines. Learn more about new faculty member Kate Ostevik.

Meet 2021-22's new faculty members - Kieran Samuk

This year, UC Riverside hired 16 new faculty members from a variety of disciplines. Learn more about the new faculty member Kieran Samuk.

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the PHD Dissertation Defense of Jessica Tingle.

Title: Evolution and Biomechanics of Specialized Locomotion in Snakes

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the PHD Dissertation Defense of Holly Andrews.

Title: Patterns and Mechanisms of Trace Gas Pulses Following Soil Rewetting in Drylands

Sex chromosome transformation and the origin of a male-specific X chromosome in the creeping vole

Mystery solved? Chromosomal sex determination arises when an autosomal locus acquires a sex-determining function. In some taxa, this process occurs often. The XY system in mammals, however, has been evolutionarily stable across a wide array of species. Fifty years ago, a variation on this norm was described in the creeping vole (Microtus oregoni), but the...
By Science Vol 372, Issue 6542 |

$1 million project helps tribal nations adapt to climate change

UC Riverside ecologists are leading a $1 million plant protection project that will help Southern California’s tribal nations adapt to climate change. The goal of the project is to preserve plant species and ecosystems that enable the continuation of native tribal cultural practices. Currently, some of these species are facing threats including hotter temperatures, prolonged...

Award enables ecology PhD student to connect with policy makers

UC Riverside’s William Ota is one of the few graduate students nationwide to be honored this year with a policy award from the Ecological Society of America.

The EEOB Graduate Program is proud to announce the MS Thesis Defense of Anna Cassady

Title: A Foundation for Integrated Water and Species Policy: Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Overlaps with Wildlife in California Watersheds

Study finds childhood diet has lifelong impact

Eating too much fat and sugar as a child can alter your microbiome for life, even if you later learn to eat healthier, a new study in mice suggests.

Sniffing your way to the gym

Exercise motivation could be linked to certain smells, UC Riverside mouse study finds
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