College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences

BIOL 252 Seminars


BIOL 252 Seminars

Fall Quarter 2024

Genomics Auditorium - Thursdays at 4:00pm

October 3

Speaker:  Abraham Morales Cruz, Joint genome institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Title:  "Conservation of the gene regulatory landscape in plants"

Host:  Conner Lay & Kate Ostevik

October 10

Speaker:  Louise Heitzmann, University of California, Riverside

Title:  "Brain sexual differentiation in a mouse species with naturally occurring sex reversal"

Host:  Polly Campbell

October 17

Speaker:  Rishi De-Kayne, University of California, Berkeley

Title:  "Uncovering overlooked variation - the role of structural variants in adaptation" 

Host:  Kate Ostevik

October 24

Speaker:  Rebecca Kariuki, Arizona State University

Title:  "Land use and land cover change (LULCC) scenarios around protected areas in East African savannas and their implications on conservation"

Host:  Helen Regan

October 31

Speaker:  Natalie Holt, University of California, Riverside

Title:  "Mechanisms of contraction, variation, plasticity, and adaptation in skeletal muscle" 

Host:  Natalie Holt

November 7

Speaker:  Matthew Medeiros, University of Hawai'i, Mānoa

Title:  "Environmental and ecological factors influence the gut microbiome of wild picture-wing Drosophila across the Hawaiian Islands"

Host:  Chris Clark

November 14

Speaker:  Andy Sih, University of California, Davis

Title:  "Why should ecologists care about animal personalities or behavioral syndromes: four case studies"

Host:  Ted Garland

November 21

Speaker:  Joseph Graves, North Carolina A&T State University

Title:  "Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions"

Host:  Ted Garland & Natalie Holt

Note:  Seminar via Zoom 

November 28

No seminar, Thanksgiving break

December 5

Speaker:  Bruno Soares, University of Regina

Title:  "Disentangling community and interaction assembly rules to understand aquatic food webs at large spatial scales"

Host:  Helen Regan

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