College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences




Listed below are the currently scheduled graduate courses beginning Fall 2017 for the Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology graduate program. Please refer to the UCR General Catalog for course descriptions and the online schedule of classes for course day/time offerings per quarter. * Please note that listed offerings, available sections and professor assignments are subject to change without notice.

Fall 2017

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 216 (Core): The Theory of Evolution: Dr. Reznick
EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer
EEOB 400: Introduction to Graduate Study in Biology: Dr. Roff


Winter 2018

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 211 (core): Foundations of Ecology: Dr. Anderson, Dr. Spasojevic
EEOB 214: Evolutionary Genetics: Dr. Nunney, Dr. Roff
EEOB 217:  Advanced Population and Community Ecology: Dr. Anderson
EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer
EEOB 283: Seminar in Organismal Biology: Dr. Clark


Spring 2018

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 219: Theory of Systematics: Dr. Heraty, Dr. Springer
EEOB 210 (Core): Organismal Biology: Dr. Garland
EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer




Archive Data

Fall 2016

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer
EEOB 400: Introduction to Graduate Study in Biology: Dr. Roff

Winter 2017

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 211 (core): Dr. Anderson, Dr. Spasojevic
EEOB 213: Behavioral Ecology: Dr. Clark
EEOB 214: Evolutionary Genetics: Dr. Nunney, Dr. Roff
EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer

Spring 2017

BIOL 252: General Colloquium in Biology: Dr. Clark, Dr. Spasojevic
BIOL 301: Teaching of Biology at the College Level: Dr. Fugate, Dr. Lee

EEOB 216 (core): The Theory of Evolution: Dr. Springer, Dr. Roff
EEOB 265: Advances in Population and Evolutionary Biology: Dr. Springer

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